
By using this website (edugeeks.in), you agree to these terms of use:

EduGeeks is an online platform providing information about jobs, recruitment processes, exams, and career opportunities in India.

Accuracy of Information

We work hard to give you accurate and up-to-date information. Despite our efforts, there might be errors, like incorrect job vacancies, application deadlines, or exam dates. We encourage you to double-check our information with official sources or other reliable references.


EduGeeks is not responsible for any decisions or actions taken based on the information on this website. It’s important for you to verify all details before you make any decisions.

General Information

The content on this website is for general information only. We aim to ensure the accuracy of this information but cannot be held responsible for any problems or losses that arise from using it.

External Links

Our site includes links to other websites, but we don’t control these external sites and can’t be responsible for their content.


EduGeeks shows ads from third-party advertisers. We don’t have a say over the content of these ads, and we don’t guarantee their accuracy. Please check the details in ads yourself. If there’s a disagreement with an advertiser, it’s up to you and them to resolve it.

Scam Alerts

We never contact anyone directly with job offers or ask for money. If someone contacts you in our name asking for payment, it’s a scam.

By continuing to use EduGeeks, you accept these terms and take responsibility for your use of our site. If you find any errors, please let us know so we can fix them.

Thank you for choosing EduGeeks!